Celebrate love - platonic, familial, or romantic - with these 5 recommendations from The Literary Vogue! For her recurring series with LP, Gabby Bass-Butler, with her vast knowledge on great reads, curates seasonal recommendations. This month, just in time for Valentine's Day, her focus is on love. Read her full reviews below!

The Wedding Date Series by Jasmine Guillory: If you follow my Instagram, then you know that I’m a Jasmine Guillory fan! Anything she writes, I read. She is the queen of romance in my book. So her Wedding Date series is perfect! I love how all her books take place in the same universe, so you don’t necessarily have to read them in order. 

A Lowcountry Bride by Preslaya Williams: This book is so tender and sweet! It definitely gives me hallmark movie vibes. This is one for my people who love a sweet and wholesome romance. Plus if you love books that take place in the lowcountry/or books that take place in the south then this one's for you too! 

Pride + Prejudice by Jane Austen: I feel like you could read almost any of Austen’s books to get in the mood to fall in love in the English countryside. But Pride + Prejudice is one of my faves and I love how it shows not only romantic love but also familial and friendship love!

Happily Ever Afters by Elise Bryant: This YA romance is so delightful and cute! You can’t help but love our 16-year-old main character who’s a writer working on a rom-com novel as she finds herself in her own love story. 

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood: I recently read this after seeing it all over BookTok and Instagram and I get the hype now. Everytime I sat down to read this, I did not want to put it down. I can already tell this will be one of my new favorite books. Also it had some of my fave tropes and I loved that it was a STEM romance, which was new to me!

February 10, 2022 — Jonathan Robinson