
Don't miss our latest book clubs, special events and parties.

January, February, March | Homewood

Winter Book Clubs

Winter book club series are live and there is something for everyone! Each book club reads one book per month and registration is for a 3 month series. You can register for multiple book clubs as they all meet on different nights! There is also a Friday lunch book club (bring your own lunch). Join us this winter!

Monday, March 17 at 7PM | Pepper Place

Mahjong Madness (Open Play + Beginner Class)

Bam, Crack, Dot! Mahjong Madness! Join us for Mahjong beginner instruction and open play night with instructor Kate Heyer!

Wednesday, March 19 at 6:30pm | Little Professor Homewood

March Puzzle Competition

It's puzzle season (always)! To celebrate one of our favorite activities we're hosting a puzzle competition! Teams of four will all get the same 500-piece puzzle and compete to see who can finish first in the 1.5 hr time window.

Please register one time for your team! This includes seats for 4 players and the puzzle! 

Tuesday, April 28 at 6:00 PM | Homewood

SC Perot Book Launch

Through Styles of Joy, embark on an extraordinary journey blending the excitement of zero-to-one-hundred fandom with thoughtful reflections on joy—yours, mine, and ours. After a post-divorce and post-pandemic “grief sabbatical” took her to seventeen Harry Styles concerts across five countries in ten months, the author reveals how throwing out the rulebook can lead to profound personal joy. This narrative nonfiction series of heartwarming short stories is equal parts anthropological observations, unlikely fangirl manifesto, and reflection on life after loss.

Friday, April 4 at 11:30am | Little Professor Pepper Place

Literary Luncheon with Kathleen

Join us on Friday, April 4th at 11:30 am at LP Pepper Place for Kathleen's Literary Lunch!

We will have a delicious lunch provided by one of our favorite local restaurants, enjoy some coffee and/or bubbly drinks, and hear from Kathleen about what books she's most excited about reading this spring. She'll be covering titles releasing in March, April & May.

Monday, April 28 6pm | Pepper Place

Annie B. Jones Book Launch

Join us to celebrate the launch of Annie B. Jones'Ordinary Time: Lessons Learned While Staying Put. Annie will be in conversation with Carrie Rollwagen. 

In her first book, the popular From the Front Porch podcast host and independent bookstore owner challenges the idea that loud lives are the ones that matter most, reminding us that we don't have to leave the lives we have in order to have the lives of which we've always dreamed.

Can life be an adventure, even when it’s just . . . ordinary?