Age of Witches
In Gilded Age New York, a centuries-long clash between two magical families ignites when a young witch must choose between love and loyalty, power and ambition, in this magical novel by Louisa Morgan. In 1692, Bridget Bishop was hanged as a witch. Two hundred years later, her legacy lives on in the scions of two very different lines: one dedicated to using their powers to heal and help women in need; the other, determined to grasp power for themselves by whatever means necessary. This clash will play out in the fate of Annis, a young woman in Gilded Age New York who finds herself a pawn in the family struggle for supremacy. She'll need to claim her own power to save herself-and resist succumbing to the darkness that threatens to overcome them all. Praise for The Age of Witches: "Morgan's beautifully conjured tale of three women, social mores, and the sanctity of self-determination is thoroughly enthralling." --Booklist (starred review) "Morgan's incantatory prose and independent-minded women will delight fans of Alice Hoffman and Sarah Addison Allen with this tale of female self-realization and magical realism. A highly enjoyable read." --Historical Novel Society "An Austen-esque romance, a heart-racing mystery full of dangerous twists and an anxiety-inducing yet enthralling family feud....It all makes for a perfect brew." --Bookpage For more from Louisa Morgan, check out: A Secret History of Witches
The Witch's Kind
The Witch's Kind