CPC Exam Study Guide: 300 Practice Questions & Answers
The only CPC study guide with 300 complete question and answers.
With two full, complete practice tests including detailed answer explanations, you are guaranteed the highest quality practice at the best possible value with this book.
These questions are all created by fellow certified professional coders who not only work in the industry, but tutor and help prepare students just like you! With these accurate, realistic practice questions just like the real CPC exam so that you are truly prepared on test day. When we say "accurate and realistic", that means you get questions with scenarios, surgical notes, application of guidelines, all ranging in the spectrum of difficulty and complexity you will encounter on your exam.
You will get full, complete, and accurate practice questions and answer explanations in an easy to follow format for all sections of the test:
- 10,000 Series
- 20,000 Series
- 30,000 Series
- 40,000 Series
- 50,000 Series
- 60,000 Series
- Evaluation and Management
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Laboratory / Pathology
- Medicine
- Medical Terminology
- Anatomy
- ICD-10 CM Diagnosis
- HCPCS Level II
- Coding Guidelines
- Compliance and Regulatory
You will encounter questions with surgery notes, different scenarios, guidelines and applications, etc. This is not just a cursory or high-level review, this is designed to be like the real thing.
This is an unofficial book. The publishers of this book claim no affiliation with any third party including the AAPC, AMA, both of which own the respective trademarks. All content in this book is used in accordance with fair-use standards. This book is not a replacement or alternative for any coding standards or reference books (CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10).